The following are the publications that are associated with the tools on this site as well as publications related to resarch projects that the tools are related to.
Izu, Cruz and Mirolo, Claudio and Börstler, Jürgen and Connamacher, Harold and Crosby, Ryan and Glassey, Richard and Haldeman, Georgiana and Kiljunen, Olli and Kumar, Amruth N. and Liu, David and Luxton-Reilly, Andrew and Matsumoto, Stephanos and Carneiro de Oliveira, Eduardo and Russell, Seán and Shah, Anshul. (2024). Introducing Code Quality in the CS1 Classroom. Proceedings of the 2024 on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education V. 2 (pp. 773–774). Association for Computing Machinery.
Alaofi, Suad and Russell, Seán. (2024). Improving Knowledge of CS1 Terminology Through a Peer Reviewed Translation Activity: Results and Feedback. SIGCSE 2024: Proceedings of the 55th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education V. 1 (pp. 46–52). Association for Computing Machinery.
Dennis J Bouvier, Ellie Lovellette, Eddie Antonio Santos, Brett A Becker, Tom Crick, Venu G Dasigi, Jack Forden, Olga Glebova, Swaroop Joshi, Stan Kurkovsky, Seán Russell. (2023). Teaching Students To Use Programming Error Messages. CompEd 2023: Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Global Computing Education Vol 2 (pp. 207-208). Association for Computing Machinery.
Seán Russell, Suad Alaofi, Bedour Alshaigy. (2023). Translate Together: Managed Translation and Peer-Review. ITiCSE 2023: Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education V. 2 (pp. 595-596). Association for Computing Machinery.
Seán Russell, Bedour Alshaigy. (2023). Student Perceptions of Resource Helpfulness. ITiCSE 2023: Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education V. 2 (pp. 668). Association for Computing Machinery.
Alaofi, Suad and Russell, Seán. (2023). The Use of English Language to Teach CS1 to Non-Native English Speakers: Students Perspective. CompEd 2023: Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Global Computing Education Vol 1 (pp. 15-21). Association for Computing Machinery.
Blanchard, J., Hott, J. R., Berry, V., Carroll, R., Edmison, B., Glassey, R., Karnalim, O., Plancher, B., & Russell, Seán. (2022). Leveraging Community Software in CS Education to Avoid Reinventing the Wheel. ITiCSE-WGR '22: Proceedings of the 2022 Working Group Reports on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, 261-292.
Russell, Seán. (2022). Automated Code Tracing Exercises for CS1. In Computing Education Practice 2022 (pp. 13–16). Association for Computing Machinery.
Blanchard, J., Hott, J. R., Berry, V., Carroll, R., Edmison, B., Glassey, R., Karnalim, O., Plancher, B., & Russell, Seán. (2022). Leveraging Community Software in CS Education to Avoid Reinventing the Wheel. Proceedings of the 27th ACM Conference on on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education Vol. 2, 580–581.
Alaofi, Suad and Russell, Seán. (2022). A Validated Computer Terminology Test for Predicting Non-Native English-Speaking CS1 Students’ Academic Performance. Australasian Computing Education Conference, 133–142.
Russell, Seán. (2021). Automatically Generated and Graded Program Tracing Quizzes with Feedback. Proceedings of the 26th ACM Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education V. 2, 652.
Alaofi, Suad and Russell, Seán. (2021). Computer Terminology Test for Non-native English Speaking CS1 Students. Proceedings of the 52nd ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, 1304.